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$23,075.22 of $20,000

Supporting the Heartbeat!

The Heart of InterPlay

We are at the cutting edge, training InterPlay leaders to offer online workshops, engaging people in their stories, sounds, movements, and stillness. Donate to the Heart of InterPlay Today!

Scholarships for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color

Invest in racial equity by supporting gifted leaders to learn the tools of InterPlay to transform the world. Contribute to Scholarships for BIPOC!

Scholarships for Millennials and Gen Z

Invest in the future of InterPlay and support gifted leaders in learning the tools of InterPlay to create change in the world. Support the Future of InterPlay!

Equity & InterPlay!

The BIPOC Retreat

After six long years, the InterPlay BIPOC Community is coming together IN PERSON to renew, replenish & restore conscious connections as a group body at the 2024 semi-annual retreat. Support this Replenishing Gathering!

Racial Equity & Transformation (RET) Mini-Grants

Providing grant opportunities to the InterPlay community to enliven the collective capacity to embody racial and social justice values. Provide Seed Money to further Racial Equity!

The Love Container, A Place for BIPOC Release of Grief, Loss, and Sadness through InterPlay

Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) InterPlayers are offering free focus sessions for BIPOC individuals who are grieving during this time. Support Those Who are Grieving! 

Diverse Embodiments

Creating spaces that challenge normative thinking around body wisdom, including those with visible and invisible disabilities. Invest in expanding capacity for diverse embodiments

International InterPlay

Support the Launch of InterPlay Uganda

Bring joy through InterPlay to orphans in Uganda by supporting this project as well as the development of a Life Practice Program in the region. Give InterPlay Uganda a Boost!

Support Sustaining International Sisters (SIS)

SIS brings together women from around the world to connect, inspire, and learn from one another through InterPlay. SIS needs help supporting their local and international programs with a zoom account, website, rental space, potluck supplies and facilitation fees. In addition, we are looking for funds to give partial scholarships to sisters for InterPlay SIS Life Practice. Sustain International Connection & Community

InterPlay India - Mumbai

Our nervous systems are wired for connection. We come into the world this way, we need to co-regulate with another to survive and experience health, growth, and restoration. Without co-regulation we cannot survive. This biological need for co-regulation lasts for our lifetime. Support Justice and Belonging through Play in Mumbai!

InterPlay India - Udaipur / Delhi

Support a new young leader to finish her training and for us to bring the First Leader’s Training Program to India. Interplay India- Udaipur/ Delhi will be hosting more day long and in-person retreats in 2024, to build a community of InterPlayers in India. Contribute to more InterPlay in Udaipur / Delhi!

InterPlay Midwest!


Support InterPlay Chicago 

InterPlay Chicago will be creating performances, playshops, and online happenings that are rooted in human sustainability, transformation and ecology. We will also be hosting the Art and Social Change program happening this August. Click to Donate to InterPlay Chicago!

Support InterPlay Kansas City 

This budding community is thriving with new and seasoned leaders, help them in growing the impact of the local and global community. Invest in this flourishing community!

Support InterPlay Twin Cities 

This thriving community is focusing on scholarships, community connection, and innovation. Support InterPlay Twin Cities Today!

East Coast InterPlay!

InterPlay Northeast

Formally known as InterPlay New England, InterPlay Northeast is supporting the larger vision of InterPlay raising funds for scholarships, racial equity, and InterPlay around the globe. Support the Larger Vision!

InterPlay Pittsburgh

Support InterPlay Pittsburgh's efforts to support helping professionals, those who are grieving, online self-care workshops, and a Life Practice Program for Black, Indigenous, People of Color. Contribute to a Flourishing Community!

Support InterPlay Cleveland

This is InterPlay Cleveland's second Give InterPlay Day campaign and they are continuing to blossom with shared leadership and monthly gatherings. Contribute to Boost a Blossoming Community!

InterPlay in the South and the West

InterPlay Colorado

Colorado is ready to become a regional InterPlay hub! Support this amazing group of new and legacy leaders to launch this region. Launch InterPlay Colorado!

InterPlay Atlanta

We are committed as leaders and as a community to fostering freedom and joy, decreasing stress, and building just communities. Grow Freedom and Equity through Play!

InterPlay Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill

The NC Triangle Area needs support in order to sustain the infrastructure of their activities and outreach as well as increase their scholarship capacity. Support this 25-year-old region!

InterPlay Seattle

The Seattle InterPlay community is raising funds to support the formation of a second performing group including younger InterPlayers to be launched in the Seattle area. Contribute to this dynamic region!

Our Top Supporters

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242 Donations

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Zeynep B
Cassandra Sagan
Vicki LeFevre
Margaret MacLeod
Margaret MacLeod
Margaret MacLeod
Margaret MacLeod
Melike E
CC King
Susanne Mulcahy
Hatice Polat
Linds Roberts


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As a woman, I admire you for your long-term and consistent togetherness. Your energy and smiling face always spread joy around. I am glad that you continue this union. Even though I can't be with you much, my heart is with you. Love
Hatice Polat
Keep up the inspired movement!
Nathan Jackson
Love supporting this incredible organization at the foundational level! May we continue to grow and expand!!
Lucia Poole
Love you Sukhmani and Vishal!
We love Interplay! :)
Shilpa Jain
What a wonderful community of support and interconnection you have created. I'm proud to have you be a part of the InterPlay Family.
Krista Harris
YES, YES, YES to a second performing company in Seattle that includes younger InterPlayers!!!
Krista Harris
Play play play! 🧡
Beandrea Davis
Keep connected, keep play alive! With you!
Trish Watts
Let the heart beat healthy and strong!
Kate Savkovich
Thank you Interplay leaders for bringing so much healing to my world!
Dana Verkouteren
I am grateful for Interplay for so many reasons. I completed the Interplay Leadership Program over twenty years ago and continue to use and grow the practices, affirmations, and movement with my intergenerational communities.
Alison Faison